Category - ZTE

Update ZTE Axon 7 to Stable Android Oreo (A2017UV2.1.0B20)

Great news for those users who have ZTE Axon 7 smartphone. Now you can taste Android Oreo OS. The latest Android 8.0 Oreo is available for A2017U variants. If you have A2017U variants then this guide for yours. The ZTE Axon 7 Update is...

Download ZTE Blade Stock Wallpapers (A510)

About ZTE Blade ZTE, the PDA producer that has been pushing some invigorating cell phone like ZTA blade (A510). The world over reliably like the Axon plan from the association containing ZTE Axon 7. The latest ZTE Axon M also impelled the...

Download and Install ZTE Nubia Z9 Max CM14 ROM [Unofficial]

Android 7.0 Nougat released recently and as usually, Google Nexus selected devices got the initial update. The users of non-Nexus devices might still have to wait for the Android 7.0 from their OEMs officially. However, developers on XDA...

How to charge smartphone battery fast and effective (Guide)

Battery life and charging status both are the headache of every smartphone users. Almost all smartphones users are struggling with this issue. Both problems are the main focus of the manufacturers but still not found any solid solution for...