Root Android Custom Recoveries How to Tips / Tricks TWRP Recovery

How To Root And Install TWRP Recovery On Prestigio Grace M5 LTE

Prestigio Grace M5 LTE users now can install latest TWRP custom recovery and root their device. We come with simple step by step guide on how to root and install TWRP custom recovery on Prestigio Grace M5 LTE. There are lots of users of the Prestigio Grace M5 LTE phone. Some of those users want to root and install TWRP recovery. Because they want to increase speed, enhanced battery timing and install a third-party app on their phone. Still, many people did not know about rooting the phone. So by following given below simple guide you can easily root and install TWRP recovery on Prestigio Grace M5 LTE. The TWRP is a custom recovery which is built with a touchscreen-enabled interface. It allows users to flash any custom recovery, third-party firmware and backup the current system and so on.

How To Root And Install TWRP Recovery On Prestigio Grace M5 LTE

How To Root And Install TWRP Recovery On Prestigio Grace M5 LTE

If you are the users of Prestigio Grace M5 LTE and want to full power of your phone or get all modding ability on your Prestigio Grace S5 LTE. Then the first priority to flashing TWRP Recovery. Once you can install TWRP custom recovery then you can root your Prestigio Grace M5 LTE. After rooting your phone you will be able to install Custom ROM, uninstall Bloatware, block Ads on applications, install Xposed Framework, increase the performance, you can View, Edit or Delete any system file inside the root directory and much more. Before proceeding always take the full backup of all your important data. Because while rooting and installing TWRP recovery on Prestigio Grace M5 LTE your entire data will be wiped clean. If you are interested in rooting and installing TWRP recovery on Prestigio Grace M5 LTE then go ahead and follow the given steps.





  • Perform a complete backup of the existing data on Prestigio Grace M5 LTE.
  • Check and confirm sufficient charge in the battery of Prestigio Grace M5 LTE before rooting process. (at least 70%)
  • Also, install the latest USB driver of Prestigio Grace M5 LTE at the windows PC. | Download Link
  • The bootloader of Prestigio Grace M5 LTE should be unlocked. | Easy guide
  • Also, Install ADB & Fastboot drivers on the Windows PC. | Link



TWRP Recovery 3.1.1 


 Steps to Install TWRP Recovery on Prestigio Grace M5


    • First of All, complete all the things given in the Pre-requirements section.
    • Once you downloaded all requirements then Download TWRP for Prestigio Grace M5 LTE from Here
    • Once downloaded the TWRP then copy the files in the folder where you have installed ADB usually the ADB files are present in local Disk C -> Android
    • Now After Going to the ADB folder, you have to launch the command window
    •  Press and Hold shift button and Right mouse button together to Open Command window.
    • Now Command Window will be opened
    • Now connect your Prestigio Grace M5 LTE smartphone to your Computer in the fastboot mode
    • To boot in Fastboot mode give the following command
    adb reboot bootloader

    Now Check if the PC has recognized your phone or not To check via below Command

    adb devices

    If your Android device show in the Command window which means your device is successfully connected to PC

    Now enter the commands to Install TWRP recovery on Prestigio Grace M5 LTE

    Fastboot flash recovery.img

    Now TWRP recovery installation process will start on your device

    Reboot your device just enter the following command

    fastboot reboot
    Done! Now You have successfully Installed TWRP recovery on Prestigio Grace M5 LTE Phone.

Steps to Root Prestigio Grace M5  LTE:

Root Prestigio Grace M5 LTE Phone via SuperSU

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